Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Things to love about the rain

I know most people will have their heads in their hands on waking up today - Surrey is awash. The rain is hosing down & the mercury has dropped right down, but hang on. There's plenty to love about this weather:

1. Having 2 cups of coffee & homemade scones with strawberry jam for breakfast suddenly seems so right!
2. I can light a log fire & hunker down with the KC (who of course is indoors -- good lord, get her paws wet? Are you mad?) & a good black & white movie          

3. Can't do laundry!
4. Can't do back breaking weeding
5. Don't need to get out & water the garden, especially my newly planted bits
6. I can wear my pink Hunter wellies  to the shops & not look like a fool (honest!)

7. Summer hols are officially over - you may as well be back at work / school in this
8. Loads of building dust (!) is being washed, naturally, off my conservatory roof
9. Colder weather = autumn is here which = Christmas is on its way! Hurrah!
10. For some reason, watching daytime TV / a DVD in the rain feels OK ... (see point 2) 
There we are! Happy days.

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