Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Gucci Gardener

Ah dear. Yet another one of those "good grief my life has changed SO  much!!" moments. And don't get me wrong the change is not bad at all it's just such a 180 it stopped me in my tracks.

In the dark days BH, I was known by many nicknames which reflected my 'rush about the world pretending to be happy' status; JetSetGlam being one of them (seriously I am not making this up!), the Prada Princess being another. And whilst Prada & Gucci are quite different they are the same if you see what I mean - overpriced aspirational Italian brands offering covetable bags & shoes that fitted me & hence whose shoes I coveted & bought. With alarming frequncy. Meaning I gathered quite a collection

Fast forward 8 or so years. The weather in FauxSurrey whilst not flooding like other parts of the UK has been pretty soggy & grey. Yet spring bulbs will not wait forever to be planted and as I had in excess of 50 that needed to go in ASAP the grey soggy Sunday just gone seemed as good a day as any to get out there & garden.

Looking at the weather I donned jeans & a hoodie and thick socks  grabbed my Burgon & Ball gardening stuff (aka Prada for the garden!!) and pondered my Hunter wellies (I have 2 pairs ... come on, some things fundamental don't change...!) but quickly thought nah too hard as I needed to be in & out of the utility and needed shoes I could kick on & off easily. In the garage I peered into the cupboard where shoes go to die looking for something disposable, sliponable and chunky & staring back at me were 2 fab candidates. It was only when I had pulled them both out & decided which pair I would stomp about a muddy mucky garden in I realised what I was doing. On the floor in front of me was about £400 worth of shoes. 1 pair Gucci trainers, 1 pair Prada. Both black, funky & very early 21st century ie very much of their time & not really what you would wear in 2012.

So the Gucci trainers have become gardening shoes. I vividly remember the days I bought both pairs - one pair I was wandering about Selfridges wasting time and found myself in the Prada concession & thought ooh they are nice I'll have them; the other I was on a  Gucci mission with a gaggle of gay men (yes correct collective noun) and we all came out swinging the dark brown carrier bags and then had sushi for lunch. Cos that's what you did in 2001. My my how times have changed.

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