Friday, June 8, 2012

That Friday Feeling ...

Not so long ago that Friday feeling was a step up in gear - in my 30's Friday meant that the devil was in your knickers and a weekend full of socialising, drinking, flirting, live bands & partying was on the cards. The phone would start ringing at about 4pm (yes calls - not texts - OK I am going back quite a way OK OK) and plans would be made, sometimes dates were set (although a weekend date was serious, most casual dating was done midweek. Just in case ..) and by 8pm on any given Friday I would be in a pub / bar / restaurant - or worst case on a plane heading somewhere glam! But always searching for the next exciting thing, looking for where the best boys were / where more fun was being had!  

Now that Friday feeling is more of an easing down - generally paired with an overwhelming sense of exhaustion, of having climbed the mountain of the week before (yes even when a 3 day week) and collapsing gratefully into a good bottle of Merlot and brilliant BBC comedy programmes (hurrah for QI!) and FauxSurreyHubby's fabulous company.

I am indeed getting old. In my (mispent) youth I could work hard all week, party all Friday night, go for a 1km swim at 8.30AM on Satuday morning, shop all afternoon then disco dance Saturday night away & still manage a boozy lunch Sunday. And maybe also a movie Sunday night! Now I look at that list of "things to do" (aka things to distract me) and I need a lie down. Post the Canada trip I have taken a necessary step up in exercise, as I realised how much more energy it gives me. I am now back up to 30 mins daily on the Cross Trainer (at level 6 & a steady 52 RPM, aka going purple & sweat dripping in my eyes) which is all good. And yes energy levels are up - but only after I have had a 2 hour recovery which includes a small sit down in the garden (fresh air - a must!) & a very hot shower!! 

So, here I am at the end of a week in my (very) late 40's, with the new Friday feeling gathering. I now welcome with open arms the imminent, slow, (uber dull in comparison to 10 years ago), relaxing weekend. A weekend that promises nothing more exciting than perhaps a takeaway, FauxSurreyHubby screaming at the Grand Prix, the KC headbutting me for a cuddle at 6AM & kissing & purring sweetly when I get cross and the kids just being silly. And the wonderful sense of completeness that gives me.

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