Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Celebrating Cally

More sad times chez FSH I'm afraid. Really heartbreakingly sad.

A truly wonderful, full of life, amazing, kind, wise, intelligent and simply gorgeous friend of mine, Cally Robson, passed away in early May. Cancer got the better of her. And it would seem of all of us.

Her funeral will be held towards the end of this month and the next week her family will hold a celebratory church service where all who wish to can share thoughts & memories of this wonderful woman, followed by a tea party full of cake & tea & cheer.

I will attend both but I doubt I will have the strength to speak, despite the fact I have so many lovely memories.

She leaves behind her husband & their 11 year old daughter Edie. Hubby has asked us all to bring mementoes for a memory box he is creating for Edie so I will spend the next few days fossicking though photo albums and ensure I give the best away.

Never ever thought I'd quote Billy Joel but here we go.

Only the good die young.

Happy Hong Kong days

F**k off 2016

2016. A year to forget. Celebrity death-fest. The year that so many things broke. The year we got stuck. What a frankly cr*p year. I was goi...